High School Days

Does anyone remember “the I DREAD RED SHOW”? KNBR RADIO?, I still have my green card as a member. A bunch of us “Nerds” used to sit in the LL Parking lot after school in Mike McGrew’s Old Ford and listen to his Radio Program every afternoon.  What a “HOOT!”  NOT now, but he was then.  That’s what “Nerds” did then if you didn’t have a girl friend.  He was “The Hip D.J” in the “50’s and played all the latest records (Pre- “Elvis 1958).  Be careful…, if you remember him,  you were probably a card carrying “Nerd”. OK,  I’m a “Nerd”, OK?.  Somebody had to do it.  I made up for later.

I did 2 years after L.L.H.S. in the U.S. Navy on the U.S.S. Hancock, CVA-19 (Attack Aircraft Carrier) and Toured Pearl Harbor, Hawaii – Tokyo, Japan, Hong Kong, Okinawa and the Philippine Islands, But, Here’s the surprise!!!  Russ Nodder, Don Ball, Don Jones, Gordon Clark and Ray Marsh, and Myself all ended up on the same ship at the same time! We all joined the Navy at different times and ended up on the same ship at the same time.  Gordon came aboard in Okinawa and I watched him come out to the ship on a landing barge.  We couldn’t dock because they didn’t  have one big enough for us and we had to anchor away from shore and use shuttle boats to get to land.  Russ and Don were attached to Air Squads (Don’t remember the I.D. Number)

Marty Shestek


For information, I have reserved Saturday September 24 during the afternoon at the Walnut Creek Elks Lodge, on Creekside Drive, near LL. We had our overnighter there.
This allows our classmates  that live so far away to plan their vacation and travel. Same applies to all the locals. Lets have fun. Don Schuppert has agreed to help plan a simple buffet (retired owner of restaurants, etc. – thanks Don).

Mary Jane Pilkenton Harding
and my good buddy
Barbara Meier Nunn

4 thoughts on “High School Days”

  1. The Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dtXMaenTkk&feature=em-share_video_user

    That video was fantastic. You are doing a great job.
    Arline Davis (Tretheway)

    That video was great. Wow, so many memories .That was all of our
    growing up time right there!! Thanks so much, I have enjoyed everything
    you have sent. Your Cuz Johanna

    I appreciate all the good work you are doing. It is nice to know where we can send stuff.
    If I can find some of the pictures that I know I have. I will send them to you. Keep up the good work.
    The pictures labeled “Martin’s Fifth Grade – Mrs. Spenser” are really Martin’s Sixth grade.
    My first year at WC Grammar School was grade 6 and Mrs. Spenser was our teacher.
    Thought you would like to make this correction.
    Jim Hunt

  2. Thank you so much for all of the pictures, and thank you, Dan, for offering to set up a website for us. Wow!

    I can recognize some of the classes, although I didn’t come up to our class until 4th grade. The one with Mrs. Palmer as a teacher is 5th grade. The 4th grade one is with Mrs. McLagan. (I remember her hitting us on the knuckles with a ruler!) But she read great stories to us during reading. I had Mrs. Kennedy for 6th grade.

    Everyone of your e-mails, Mary Jane, is a real walk down memory lane.

    Lots of good wishes from the hills of Accra, Ghana!

    Marcia (Montin) Grant

  3. We can have more fun with this one.

    Johanna Rose and I are cousins. Her grandmother and my grandmother are sisters.

    Julia and Janet French are cousins with Elaine Thomas.

    We know we had a few brother/sister, sister/sister, brother/brother during our years at Walnut Creek School/Parkmead School and Las Lomas.

    What were your connections?

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Walnut Creek K-12