Recent Mary Jane EMAIL

FYI Danny

I have requested your webpage to be added to the Alumni page reunion info.

Pat, LLHS Alumni Office

we now have a website, in preparation for our 60th Reunion

Good Morning everyone.

Many thanks to our veterans for serving our Country.

And to Danny Lommel, thanks for setting this up for us.
Have fun, enjoy.

It has been a few years since I worked on a website, last time was for Governor Jim Gibbons of Nevada. I was a member of his Campaign team.

Mary Jane

You can go online any time and see what’s up at

LLHS - Pat Monaco and Doll and her first grade class at Walnut Creek

This is Pat’s first grade class picture. Who is the teacher? Question from Pat Monaco: Do you remember in 8th grade dressing the flapper clothes?  Real flapper clothes.

Just a thought, when we started 1st grade they grouped us with the 2nd for a few days, then we went upstairs and had Mrs. Putnam, we started with Mrs. Bailey (sp) the class room was on the north east corner kind ‘a under the stairs, any bells .?? Bart
Gordon Uffens
Mrs. Bailey

How dear!!  I was not there yet, but we were such good kids.  Every one looks like such innocent little children.  If all kids were so special, our world would be a different place.  Pat, you sure didn’t change in my eyes.  Thanks MJ.
This year has been a rough one. My husband (Col.) Jack Harrington died in September.  I was so blessed to have him in my life.  My kids, grandkids, etc were here for Thanksgiving.  We prepared and cooked for 2 days… what a beautiful dinner, and a great time together (in Paso Robles, CA).
Marty Bolte Harrington.

I think the teacher is Mrs. Thomas.  She was my second grade teacher, two years after this photo was taken.  I can’t name a single kid, but they all look so familiar.
Webb Johnson

Hi Mary Jane,
Was the teacher Mrs. Bailey?  Judge Bailey’s wife?  She looks so familiar.  My mother worked as a secretary for him for a while.  And yes, I think I had one of my mother’s flapper dresses for that day, but I don’t have any pictures.
I love Pat and her doll in the front row – and who is the tall blonde girl in the middle?  It’s a wonderful picture.
Marcia Montin

Hey Mary Jane, I recognize faces but do not know that
teacher. Gordon Clark

Don’t remember dressing in flapper clothes.  I probably didn’t participate because I received no support for that kind of activity at school from my parents.
On a side note, Lawrence Frederick Benson, 1958 LLHS grad, died Nov. 11.  He was later to become the owner of Benson Bros. Trucking and Benson Bros Grading and Paving.  I subscribe to a website called Patch for W.C. to keep informed of City Council action.
Enjoyed the picture.  It is easy to tell who some of the students are, because they look so similar in later years.
Sunny and 60 in San Diego.  BORING!

Barbara Henriksen

Prior to Thanksgiving I was in San Jose and able to stop and visit with Don Schuppert. He was waiting for VA Van to take him to hospital and get stitches out. He was happy and real up beat.
Mary Jane

Let me hear from you.
We have snow. Ah beautiful white cold snow.

Mary Jane



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Walnut Creek K-12